
             Giorgio Gamberucci - empath, psychosensitive and esoterics writer

     Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit this self-made website, I appreciate your interest and hope you find the content engaging and informative, if you have any comments or feedback you would like to share, please feel free to use the contact form provided on the website, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions as they can help improve the overall quality of the site.

      First of all, allow me to say two words of introduction about the purpose and essence of this website, being an immodest cultural presumption I endeavor to present genuine ideas and objective views, pertaining the esoteric aspects of my existence as empath and psychosensitive, which beyond their referential to paranormal and supernatural, they also reach the realms of physics and human science by the special mondane implication they entail, however in this context I will transcend mere scientific bibliography, being myself unequivocally the solo testimonial of an existential experience evolved from my psychoenergetic aura, which has allowed me to manifest and to reason my spiritual being, while offering myself a unique opportunity to confront the mechanistic mindset of the world, with basic scientific knowledge and educated guessing to provide the significant concept for the subject matter discussed here, being my personal experience to render a vital complement to its comprehension.

     To enhance the browsing of the website, I have designed a menu that shows simply the pages name of the matters related to the psychical phenomenon I bear, which deal essentially about the influence and the effects of its psychosensitive background within the existential context of my life, trying to explain the rationale of the psychosensitive abilities, drawing from the insights of my mind and empirical conclusions based on personal experiences, while in others page I added complementary topics, you find only on specialized fields of Humanistics and Esoterics science, ultimately in the page dedicated to my biography I included various notes on the real story behind my journey and the process through which I have become what I am today.

     To note: it is important to consider positively also the imagery of some ideas, which stemming from my own conceptual ability, they represent with experiential knowledge the perceptions of the causes and circumstances I have endured firsthand.

      The purpose of this document is to provide a basic information on the background of a distinct superhuman phenomenon which exists inborn within myself being, for a nominal use to apply in all pertinent references I named this event Antesensus, nevertheless by this denomination I refer to, beyond referring solely to the inherent psychosensitive ability it manifests, the solo legal and physical person to represent this extraordinary entity, for biographic context, I must note that although I began later in life to reveal my psychical power, I have always been aware of the energy I emanated from within the aura of my psychical empathy, to the point when the latter evolved to the extent that, from the propagation of its influence, it became evident that the psychoenergy it yielded from the sake of myself, started to produce transformative effects on the consciousness and behavioral bearing of the living environment which I shared with my individual presence, hence the psychosensory ability of Antesensus, including the subtlety acclimation to the perceptions of the electromagnetic field communications on all level of their performance, be it through electronic devices or in live mode, in reason of these exceptional circumstances, I believe that the psychical conception rendered by Antesensus, has open a new scope of interest for the human Sciences, and going even further, beyond the physical realm of nature.

      However Antesensus is not just an alias name of a psychical event, it represents altogether a vanguard achievement of the human development, which event was endowed to myself by the causality of a magnanimous universe, manifesting the transcendence of its nature, defining my life path from the moment of my birth, from a human perspective this kind of ability, rare of its genre, may represent the fulfillment of an individual life time aspirations, which concerns in my being a perdurable phenomenon to be current in every all-embracing aspects of my existence, though, it is not an understatement to say that the awareness inspired by the psychosensitive ability of Antesensus provides knowledge, beside for myself, to mankind altogether, which intellectual instinct is essential to achieve synchronism within the nature of the universe and to find harmony with its spiritual side, for the energy of its aura offers a sensible way to elevate the human consciousness, just by reflecting its implicit empathy.

      To understand the supernatural conception of Antesensus and the psychical effects it embodies, as I am presenting here, oneself needs to bear an open mind to grasp its immanent reality by the responses It gives itself outward for the sake of the world, holding a distinctive insight to pronounce its humanistic implication, although the appreciation of its psychosensitivity simply speaks for itself when one self-aware entity enters in synergy with its influence, appreciating the synchronical perceptions of a higher consciousness, inspired by its psychoenergy field, although proving such experience a subtle event to identify per se, the sensory feelings of its aura are overwhelming, as they enable the mind to engage with a compliant world welcomed by Antesensus , which inherent desire of connection falls in harmony with.

      As the carrier of Antesensus, I am personally concern about the psychical effects it yields outward from myself, which let per se its spiritual consciousness to merge with the mundane mindset of society, which results sometime difficult to accommodate within , however in spite of sharing the experience in a common state of being, I always consider Antesensus a psychical entity existing above the average plane of the human mind, but right on a supernatural realm, which the inherited psychosensitive ability stands for the power of its spiritual essence, while its manifested psychoenergy avails of a beneficial emphatic influence to all the receivers who mind its perception, which let the psychodynamic feedbacks it conveys, inspiring a collective awareness and harmony that permeates social interplay, ultimately, incredibly its power is able to sway an inferential synchronism on the aired communications, which intrinsic quality runs parallel with that of the Antesensus aura.

      While in psychology Antesensus may be represented as a sort of psychical condition consistent with hypersensitivity, which configures also the high empathy of my emotional sphere, in relation with parapsychology, it evinces a discernible psychical bearing with manifestations of ESP and clairvoyance although in minor relevance, however the most compelling ability it reveals, is provided by the psychosensitivity carried from the spontaneous emanation of its aura, yielding by this process a meaningful application of the dynamic influence it carries, which allows positive changes on the living environment it shares, and further, it will apply its ability to work as psychophysical healer on behalf of oneself mind, realizing altogether a sensible support on the psychosocial awareness uplifted within the synergy procured from the psychoenergy it exudes, in particular this last aspect is actualized by the affinity of the Antesensus aura with the ever-present EMFs, which reference follows in later paragraphs.

      I want to note, that although from the moment I became aware of my psychic abilities, I have not engaged myself toward mediumistic or other divinatory practices, although I don’t exclude the possibility of diverse psychical applications that may occur in the human family from the boundary of the supernatural, in accord with this view, I believe Antesensus retains the essential condition to be in resonance with it, thus allowing my mind to possess an extrasensory faculty to get higher inspiration from the subtle wisdom it embodies, finally its onthological conception may offer revealing clues for those humanistic disciplines, that have concerned the researches of metaphysicians, since the dawn of time, specifically on the discerning of spirit and matter, helping the awareness of these fundamental essences belonging to the human nature, which, materialism tries to nullify.

      Among the different disciplines of humanities, other subjects of interest may be regarding the incomparable nature of Antesensus, as in the field of parapsychology, in consideration of the psychic abilities it manifests, which singularity deserves concern to earn a human record, especially for the revelation of its special psycholinguistic spirant pointed at the will of my mastermind, representing per se an unique individual skill, as the accent of this psychoidiomatic utterance within the spoken language, it projects a special intellectual resonance beyond the manner of a speech pattern, rousing by its self-experience an intimate emotion worthy to gratify oneself empathy, while expanding the horizon of the consciousness, it helps the mind to discern about self-awareness, finally, the suggestive consideration given to the sensible effect of appeasement rendered by this psycholinguistic feature of Antesensus , it may hold the means to anchor attention, in which ever circumstances it is applied when addressing a public audience.

      The psychical ability of Antesensus stands essentially by its compelling psychoenergy, which it diffuses outward, through myself psychosensory aura, deriving its strength from the electromagnetic field generated by the electrical pulses sparkling on the working organs of myself physical body, concerning principally, the heart, the brain, the guts and the neurophysiological system which focalize on these vital organs its crucial function, the electric-charge of the electro-chemical reactions occurring in their running processes yields a sensible electromagnetic spectrum, which shapes essentially the Antesensus aura, however, beyond such simple mechanical system, it may exist a more elaborated explanation about its electrophysiology relation, which I am not prepared to discuss in depth its scientific context in this presentation, letting solely to the intuition of my mind the discerning of the most agreeable background for such phenomenon of nature, till the information concerning the quantum threshold on the entanglement occurring at the CNS, which carries the neural coding of the psychodynamic process, shall be corroborated by a conclusive study.

      The superhuman status of Antesensus, evinced by its inherent unique essence, leads me to believe of its implicit relationship with some energetic plane of the pansophical universe, leaving myself fully concerned of its special power, apparently conceived by virtue of its awe-inspiring energy, which event demands, in the realm of the human affairs, to be celebrated by affirming Antesensus as the inheritor of a preternatural gift, thus absolving its context from the hypocritical paradox held by the social institutions, on the occurrence of an otherworldly event, which manifestation goes beyond established precepts of achievement, nevertheless it let their preconceived mindset to deny the disclosure to societal awareness of the exclusive psychical gift bore by somebody sharing the same ground, such blame motivated evermore my existential struggle for the right to reveal Antesensus to the world, thus to conciliate my consciousness with that of the universe which bestowed it upon myself, being this talent incomparable with those weird phenomena born from the diversity of nature, as such, I feel utterly compelled to valorize its actuality, while confirming the legitimacy of its universal status quo, including the sophisticated impact of its psychical abilities, if not to justify the amazing facts it yields in the social fabric, worth to emancipate the human civilization on the superstitions and hypocrisy it is hostage of and to restore the right information for the sake of human knowledge.

      Antesensus embodies the kind of animistic ability which holds the title to enter in the chronicle of the world events, even though, it is universally recognized from every aware beings , so far, I am the only person able to attest the narrative about the psychosensory influence of its aura and the effects it yields outward, the psychosensitive phenomenon of Antesensus may be also characterized by an alternative knowledge, perhaps rendering its comprehension closer to a popular understanding, which it includes another definition of the physical property it applies finding a point of reference in some interdisciplinary study of the natural science, which concerns the bioelectromagnetism or biomagnetism more colloquially, although it does not cover entirely all the fundamentals of Antesensus, it confirms though the radiation of its psychoenergy , which essentially it spins outward from itself the energy of its neural electromagnetic field, however, just to rule out any misconceptions about the effects delivered from Antesensus , as plagiarism or even alleged mind control, the influence of its aura subsists per se, even if the individual predisposition may result insensible to its appealing, the mind cannot hold off its intended impression , nevertheless it takes an unbiased approach to welcome the permeating psychoenergy conveyed by the its psychosensory aura, which effect applies spontaneously especially in the presence of EMFs functioning as physical sensory medium to carry its influence virtually everywhere, thus enabling all full sentience beings to share the most effective ability of myself being, referring to the phonetic resonance of it special psycholinguistic virtuosity.

      Discerning the ability to function as a transducer of the supernatural realm within the universe, the psychosensory circumstance created by Antesensus, appear to being consistent with a potential quantum entanglement of its energy, thus condensed from some cosmic respire and transcended as factual datum, nevertheless its psychosensitivity remains a stable and reliable psychical phenomenon in myself being, as well as for the ability it bears, which essence basically involves all my natural existence, although it displays affinity with the conception of a super consciousness, Antesensus will satisfy any request of substantiation by acquiring awareness from the experience of its multipurpose effects, as the instance of its psycholinguistic feature which is replicable and even measurable for a physical reckoning, this phonetic resonance in the voice offers a distinguished rendition of the vibrant empathy of Antesensus , while its interaction by sentient beings will brings a sensible enhancement on oneself psychophysical response.

      The perfect indicator to identify the effects from the Antesensus aura in live circumstances with people, it is about the self-awareness it inspires from the perception of the acoustic ability it manifests, by the mean of a discernible psycholinguistics emphasis which resonates as a high sibilant accent in the uttered speech, however more remarkable is its psychosensory ability to convey to all sentient beings found within the sphere of its influence, the faculty to replicate such psychoidiomatic perception by their own mind on their own voice, embodied within their personal character, however I need to distinguish the cause of this phonetic nuance, being not mechanical like a fricative accent, but my birth inheritance received from the mother womb which let on myself her empathy , that is indeed the focal ability of Antesensus which constitutes also its psychic trademark, showing by such self-expression, a keen psychological connotation exclusive for an individual personality, being able to enhance the cultural image on oneself mind by the brilliant resonance it modulates within the uttered language, although it may appear a spontaneous mind to mind perception of the Antesensus psychoenergy, while it involves however some volitive intention to convey this psycholinguistic ability with its inherent self-feelings of empathy, it avails its resonance to convey confidence and self-awareness on the mind of the recipients, ultimately representing a sophisticated linguistic mean for the identification of verbal communications.

      With the universal reveal of the psycholinguistic feature on the spoken language, Antesensus marks the actual notion of its psychosensitive power, which impacts spontaneously on the local circumstance of its whereabouts, it is furthermore showing its ethereal sway to reach sentient beings even by remote, implying by this kind of psychopsychical contact, the Antesensus flair of being particularly conductive to the concept of extrasensory, whereas from a direct position one must concern about the compelling psychoenergetic effect carried by its influence, for making somatic changes in the personality, bringing a sensible enhancement in support of the human development, the phonetic stressing and sibilant vibration on oneself voice in the live exposure of this unique idiomatic expression, shares the spiritual empathy of Antesensus , which arouses an intimate emotion from indulging the bodily feeling of its self-experience, providing comfort to the voice, to modulate and to emphasize the central thoughts of the mind, while its logical perception carries onto the sentient minds the intellectual nuance of the cultural concerns represented in that context, thus letting its acoustic resonance to appeal for mindfulness toward the uttered speech.

      In the context described above, speaking of the psycholinguistic ability of Antesensus shared with an aware audience I must mention another unique aspect that is part of this psychosensory phenomenon, which is to induce the sibilant effect even on the voice reproduced from mechanical sources, similar as it applies in a live instance, which evinces the power of the Antesensus psychosensory ability, to interfere with the broadcasting coming from auxiliary audio devices conceived as sensory systems, manifesting the hissing effect on the outlet of the prerecorded media beyond any technical control as readily as the Antesensus psychosensory aura enters in synergy with its sensory background, thus to confirm by the circumstance of this odd event its electromagnetic synchronism, moreover, this effect is able to enhance the audition of the songs or speeches broadcasting, be it in live or prerecorded mode, which implies essentially a latent interactive function as an artistic application in the media communication, given by the neurophysical characteristics of Antesensus psychosensitivity which enable its special human quality to entangle with its production .

      The interaction of the Antesensus psychosensory aura with the media communications, implies an important function on the spontaneous entanglement with the EMF radiated by the systems of their networks, the process begins with a sensory contact made with the downstream source of the media, which facilitated by the conveyance of Antesensus psychoenergy, it applies the latter, firstly on the electromagnetic field yielded by the broadcasting device, expanding successively its sensitivity with the others EM fields present on the air as well on land by the electrical components which are employed in the system altogether, enduring the focus of my mind intention on the listening or visualization of a broadcasted program with human animation, (virtually even to a mute watching although it results less discernable), eventually the compelling psychosensitivity of Antesensus is able to sensitize the whole network, till it will gain a functional synergism, starting the simple audio device to reach the center of the media source which includes the live operators, just for sake of particulars there is to say that in the case of remote broadcasting which delays the time to actualize the interacting process with the multiple EM fields, Antesensus psychoenergy will instate its effect allowing the time needed for its influence to build the global synergy in the system.

      As a matter of fact, the delay implied above, taken from the omnipresent EMFs generated by the communication networks, is about the resistance of the different medias which constitutes its physical system, as for air irradiation or land broadcasting, occurring outright during the live exchange of their information, it obviously applies different means of relaying the electronic signals, however, I can affirm that sentient beings entering in direct contact with the influence of the Antesensus psychosensory field, share its synergy immediately by a natural symbiosis with its compelling psychoenergy, although the sensitivity response of this contact may be enhanced by the use of electromagnetic devices which amplifies the local EMF, it evinces that the variation of delay on the EMF induction occurs in the case of remote communications depending from the kind of media to overlaps, whereas for the animation on the broadcasting emanated from its production center, its electronic background holds a dense concentration of EMFs, which renders a formidable sensory receptor for the Antesensus psychosensitivity to entangle with, while in digital communications via cable as for streaming, or even satellite, its interaction with their EMF occurs from meshing the electronic frequency on the end receiver, hence to defer the influence of its aura to the cable and so on through the satellite irradiation, till the sensory connection of Antesensus psychoenergy will permeate the system, reaching the synergy when it will be clearly signaled by the manifestation of the characteristic hissing emphasis in the voice of the speakers broadcasting live, this sensory phenomenon is able to raise the awareness of the broadcaster, enhancing the modulation of the media with a nuanced approach.

      Having stated my conception of Antesensus , regardless any opinion one may hold about its actuality, it remains an undisputable superhuman event for the special effects it conveys for the natural betterment of the human mind functions, I like to believe its essence embodies the grace of a rising ascendant, which find myself appointed to this role by a one-in-a-million chance, however, in spite of the privilege owed from being the recipient of this predestined gift, its goes beyond my comprehension why it is being a controversial matter in the human affairs of the world, it is indeed a universal discovery, nascent as a living referral for mankind, however, despite its valuable potential it seems to be relegated to a position of non-existence that does not adequately reflect its importance within today societal values, which should welcome instead new and inspiring ideas to endure its progress under an enlightened consciousness.

      Antesensus, as an entity, resides within me, embodying its transcendental essence, although it concerns itself with the vast universe, encompassing both, its known and unknown dimensions, naturally, it is a great privilege to serve as the conduit for its synchronicity through my aura, where empathy is essential to the very essence of my humanity, however being aligned with a deeper awareness of the world, it stands in contrast to the common mindset of society, though, I find the messages implied by the psychodynamic information from my mind being misconstrued by others, allowing this incomprehension to result in unjust prejudices against me personally, and consequently against 'Antesensus' itself, ultimately, to render my whole existence to suffer the hardship of dwelling a collateral consciousness which has been virtually elevated from the entropy of my psychical influence, which lacks however of a mutual consent for a harmonious connection.

      Wanting to recall the discourse given so far on the discernment of the Antesensus aura to generate a psychosensory system, I indicated its physical consistency to work in symbiosis with the EM fields, contributing with the effects offered from its psychoenergy to raise the awareness of the human organization, building on its ambit a subtle psychophysical integration, by the influence of Antesensus, which higher consciousness embodies a compelling psychodynamic effect owning the ability to enhance the intellectual proficiency of the recipients, and although this blessing effect goes unclaimed for their self-pride, It notably intensifies their cognitive resolve, culminating in the somatic perception of their psychophysical efforts.

      I trust that the psychical nature of Antesensus, represented here, which includes its psychosensory aura ability to help the development and healing of the human sensibility, will hold the interest of the reader, supposing it agrees with an unbiased mind about its nonmaterialist reality without making a circumstantial experience, although this event may pertain to a study of parapsychology for its esoteric implications on the unknown aspects of the living universe, it is a rare and somewhat sophisticated psychical event, to belong to a prime manifestation of its supernatural realm, which have appointed myself the receptacle of its immanence, whereas the compelling abilities rendered intrinsically by Antesensus onto the world speak for them self to proclaim the existential purpose it evinces, holding the clue to achieve knowledge on the spiritual side of the human nature, thus letting by this revelation to outstretch for new prospective in its consciousness, which is forever seeking for universal consent.

      While all the references of this presentation are meant essentially to provide with the information also a basic knowledge about the psychical abilities which Antesensus bears, they are withdrawn from the live actuality endured by myself as the psychical author and medium of the outward effects yielded by its psychosensitivity, which event succeeds synchronously to some epochal time, nevertheless I wish to focalize on the versatility of Antesensus ability, as for its essential relation with natural science, as for its exclusive application in humanities, which differs in form and substance from the inconsistent skills shown by common psychics who cannot claim a precedent like the kind of Antesensus, although I am only an example of a transcendental causality, I represent a human phenomenon which makes mankind to stem out from the mission of nature.

      Just as the immense wisdom of the universe renders accessible singularities and other raw anomalies from its supernatural realm, it is also the source of inspiration for the psychical consciousness, thus in accord with this premise, Antesensus carries within its materialistic essence the realization of its boundless nature, meaning the psychical gift it granted myself worth more than an eccentric connotation of my personality, it represents a central example of human performance as revealed by the special effects it delivers, which is conceivable for an utilitarian purpose by its inherent psychosensitivity to encompass an all-around sensory function, letting to appreciate its exclusive application in media productions as well in distinguished social activities by its unrivalled conception, however despite the universal appeal of Antesensus it earns only marginal concern in the human affairs, which underestimate the humanistic implications of its entity creating an existential contradiction in the reputation of an aware society, for Antesensus implies an historical event of human enlightenment, which carries the resonance of its aura in whatever place it exists, opposed to the deaf ears on the rumor of its factuality.

      In completion of this document I like to remind that I realized it unreservedly recollecting some univocal aspects concerning the psychical circumstance of my life, while adding some esoteric comments to spell out its imagery, which I hope it finds the liking of the reader although it may appear exotic, nevertheless my intent is to emphasize the trustworthiness of Antesensus, thus to hearten confidence about the effects of its ability within the context of supernatural, which although it takes references from some feasible concepts of scientific knowledge, it remains unfortunately contended by the biases of the low human sensibility, conversely the psychic background attributed to Antesensus have a clear becoming in its existential history to convince every sentient being of the awareness it carries, offering more than an explanation about its actuality, but the clear discernment of the emotional experience it manifests, showing ultimately its special bond with the inscrutable universe, which sought Antesensus in the world as the archetype of an evolved humanity, by sending in space and time the spirit of its wisdom.

Psychic healer, Reiki Master Dr. USUI MIKAO

Famous Japanese psychic healer who made know to the west the healing art of Reiki, he studied medicine and psychology to master with useful knowledge his holistic talent, by his teaching Reiki has become a healing practice followed by many people everywhere who believe in the power of universal energy.

Psychic seer   CUMANE SYBIL

In the ancient time women with the psychic talent of clairvoyance were called Sybl, one of the most famous was the Cumane Sybil, who lived in Cuma near Naple, in the v century BC, she was the author of the Sybilline books, an important collection of oracles consulted anxiously by many kings and politicians before to engage important decisions. Her fame has survived through history by the work of master painter who have immortalized her image in numerous art form.

  Mathematical genius - metaphysics philosopher

    PYTHAGORAS of Samos (570 BC-495 BC)

Born under the benign auspices of the Delphi oracle, his engaging mind with the knowledge of the world had him to travel around the most culturally committed countries of his time, in Egypt, he learned among the sciences, esoterics doctrine and magic which helped him to develop later the fundamentals of a society that took his name, His disciples attributed to him a divine power.

Psychic seer   PYTHIA

The Pythia (or Oracle of Delphi-8th century BCE) was the priestess who held court at Pytho, the sanctuary of the Delphinians, a sanctuary dedicated to the Greek god Apollo. Pythia were highly regarded, for it was believed that she channeled prophecies from Apollo himself, while steeped in a dreamlike trance,it is tradition that Pythia entered her trance through the influence of volcanic fumes or hallucinogenic gases emerging from a crevice in the floor of the Castalian Spring.

Psychic seer   NOSTRADAMUS

Nostradamus was a French astrologer and physician and the most widely read seer of the Renaissance. Nostradamus began his medical practice in Agen during the 1530s and started making prophecies about 1547.Because of their cryptic style and content, the prophecies continued to create much controversy. Some of them are thought by believers to have foretold actual historical events that occurred since Nostradamus’s time, including certain details of the French Revolution of the 18th century. Others, having no apparent meaning, are said by some to foretell events that have not yet occurred

Seer and diviner   PARACELSUS

1493-24 September 1541. He was a pioneer in several aspects of the "medical revolution" of the Renaissance, emphasizing the value of observation in combination with received wisdom. He is credited as the "father of toxicology".Paracelsus also had a substantial influence as a prophet or diviner, his "Prognostications" being studied by Rosicrucians in the 1600s. Paracelsianism is the early modern medical movement inspired by the study of his works


26 August 1877 – 5 August 1944. Without using his eyesight, Ossowiecki could read texts , strings of numbers and complex geometric figures hidden in envelopes, chests and even lead cylinders. He "saw" the image recorded on the photographic film before it was developed. He was able to read hidden texts from a distance, e.g. during séances with the participation of Józef Piłsudski, who was also interested in "metapsychics". During one such session, Ossowiecki read out a sequence of chess moves that the marshal was writing down at his desk in the Belweder Palace.


1488 – 1561.Mother Shipton is England's most famous Prophetess. She foretold the fates of several rulers within and just after her lifetime, as well as the invention of iron ships, the Great Fire of London in 1666, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada. As well as making traditional remedies, Mother Shipton had another gift.

Psychokinetic   MATTHEW MANNING

1955.Famous psychic for his psychokinetic ability and automatic drawing, it was reported that he could "bend metal paranormally, affect electrical equipment, move compass needles, he is a best selling british author and healer with psychic abilities, in addition to his ability of psychokinesis, he facilitates healing through touch and other psychic means, being very popular, he counts in many supportes who believe in his abilities

Note of the author: "Antesensus" is an unregistered trademark for the supernatural event as described in this website.

Giorgio Gamberucci at: Phone/whatsapp: +393287183386