
Spirit and matter, elemental entities generated by the supernatural power of the greater universe, at the awakening of all events, in which imminence endures the Psychic Quantum, manifesting the will to exist and become one in the consciousness of light.


      The theory of the Big Bang posits the origin of the universe from a singular event, while some scientists view this as a monumental occurrence, it is philosophy that delving deeper into its significance through from the cognitive ability it holds, to conceptualize abstractly such circumstance with convenient words and symbols, which enable to foresee the interplay of the Spirit and Matter in the cosmic creation, thus allowing to engage philosophically with the Big Bang, trascending mere scientific explanations, offering conceivable insights into the broader impact of this cosmic phenomenon.

      In traditional philosophical debate the dichotomy between Mind and Matter has been a central argument, inspiring the understanding of the universe, while suggesting a fundamental division between the immateriality of the mind and the material realm of physical objects, however this duality is not necessarily separate but rather unified in essence, it's the recognition of this unity that brings clarity to the complex nature of the existence observed in the universe, within its framework, where the spirit represents its transcendent aspect, being the source of consciousness, creativity, and significance, the matter embodies the substratum which is constituted essentially of its physical reality, although separated in their manifestations, Spirit and Matter are in constant dialogue, influencing each other in a dynamic universe emergence.

      Through profound insight, philosophers arrive at an understanding that Mind and Matter are complementary aspects of cosmic truth, they exist in a symbiotic relationship, where each shapes the predetermined outcome of the other,although this realization transcends the limitations of empirical observation, it allows for a deeper quest into the understanding of the cosmos, virtually, philosophy provides the foundation to comprehend the intricacies of the universe beyond the physical appearance of reality, enabling exploration of the underlying principles that govern existence,by revealing the interconnection of all things,thus, while the theory of the Big Bang offers a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, it is through the emphasis of philosophy that the true meaning is grasped, which reflecting on the interplay of Spirit and Matter, it gains insight into their fundamental nature.

      While the inquiry into the dualism of spirit and matter has been a longstanding pursuit for both Eastern and Western philosophies, in the West, esoteric philosophy emerged as a distinct discipline when Greek philosophers began deep introspections on the essence of humanity,this circumstance marked the transition from the intriguing vision that Egyptians had about the psyche (from the Greek "Theía Psychí" or "divine soul") to idealistic speculation, this speculation continues to our time through the enduring work carried out by philosophy scholars,despite cultural and philosophical differences, these scholars were nevertheless driven by the same innate curiosity to unravel the mysteries of existence,through understanding the relationship between spirit and matter, their concern inevitably turned toward this fundamental quest aimed at resolving one of the most challenging aspects of the mystical universe.

      The evolution of humanity into a new era of enlightenment has been marked significantly in the field of physics, particularly with the development of the Relativistic Quantum Field Theory, this revolutionary conceptual speculation, succeded from the cognitive advancement of mankind, holds the promise of explaining phenomena across the known and imagined universe, essentially the Quantum Field Theory seeks to unify our perspective on the elemental forces governing the cosmos,which finds resonance within the principles of this comprehensive theory, bridging the gap between the macroscopic world of relativity and the microscopic realm of quantum mechanics, offering a potential framework for comprehending not only the tangible aspects of reality but also the esoteric meanings underlying the duality of spirit and matter.

      As mankind knowledge has grown exponentially through the ages, primarily aiding in overcoming the material aspects of existence, humans have also adapted them-self to new environmental changes and evolved their minds capability for responding to these transformations, however, the philosophical inquiry into the duality of spirit and matter has persisted, leaving its resolution still elusive,this ongoing inquiry offers diverse perspectives and interpretations that reflect the complexity of human consciousness and the mysteries of existence, serving as evidence of humanity's boundless capacity to explore the realms of the material and the metaphysical.

       Some insightful thinkers have discerned the metaphysical duality inherent the human experience, have also meditated on the spiritual consciousness of the mind, or perhaps, as some believe, of the psyche, which has sustained humanity through the existential challenges of its evolution,it was indeed through experience, along with innate spirituality, that distinguished human beings from other living creatures, endowing them with a unique capacity to transcend their simple survival instinct and aspire to higher ideals, this spirituality serves as the perfect supernatural key for the fulfillment of their mortal life.

      On one side, the concept of matter as part of such dualism represents the reality of things as perceived by the biological senses and recognized through oneself physical consciousness, matter can be perceived as sound, light, or other solid forms, enabling the lower human senses to interact with the physical world,however, matter cannot encompass thoughts, which, even if they emerge from oneself mind, are inspired by the individual cognitive capacity,thoughts may also be influenced by transcendental sources beyond the tangible reality,unlike the ability of sensory perceptions common in human relationships, thoughts possess a unique quality that transcends simple materiality, often drawing inspiration from metaphysical or spiritual interpositions.

      The notion that matter and consciousness exchange their complementarity on one side of the universe suggests a subtle communion of the two entities,this implies that understanding the secrets of one facet may lead to uncovering those found on the other side, a philosophical task partially validated by the scientific community, however, despite their propensity to support this idea, the esoteric relationship between matter and the spiritual essence of the mind remains enduring, in human existence, this connection is symbolically evident as the mind serves as a spiritual vessel for universal consciousness, being able to transcend the physicality of matter by acknowledging its spiritual significance within the universe.

      It is a common misconception to view the human mind as a supernatural entity capable of bearing psychic powers, in reality, the mind is simply the immaterial aspect of a more complex structure vital for all living creatures, known as the cerebrum,to manifest supernatural characteristics and precise psychic abilities, the cerebrum requires an essential occult element residing in the metaphysical realm of consciousness,this element serves to implement the psychic power of the mind, which is the human organ naturally inclined to facilitate sensory experiences and cognitive functions,however, it is the "divine psyche" that imbues individuals with supernatural abilities beyond the realm of the natural world.

      A prime example of the dualism between Spirituality and Matter is found in the psychic abilities manifested by some mystics, which serve as a major point of contention among dissenters,these abilities are often perceived as an extreme application of oneself psychic power, appearing closer to imagination than a probable event,such manifestations tend to be mystified by those with shallow awareness, commonly referred to as "Mind over Matter," this concept suggests that oneself mental faculties possess the capability to influence and change physical reality,however, cynics deny such claims outright, attributing them to insignificant tricks of the mind or to psychological phenomena rather than genuine supernatural abilities.

       The concept of "Mind over Matter" is seemingly simple, yet it carries various colloquial senses,primarily, it embodies the "magical" power often fantasized about to fulfill oneself ego desires,however, its most common purpose lies in the myth of spiritual influence prevailing over the physical world,this notion entails the belief that through focused thought, intention, or spiritual practice, one can manifest the conviction of a reciprocal linkage between mind, spirit, and the innate power of universal consciousness,this conviction enables individuals to transcend physical constraints and shape reality according to their material design or spiritual harmony,however, although skeptics may dismiss such notions as wishful thinking or mere fantasy, the concept remains deeply ingrained in human consciousness.

      To further elaborate on this fascinating intent to manipulate matter through intrinsic psychic abilities, it is nothing short of extraordinary,this ability empowers individuals to directly alter the state of real matter as it exists within the fabric of time and space,it includes not only inanimate objects but also living entities, representing a great opportunity to reshape the very essence of nature,this encompasses transforming the molecular composition of substances and influencing the biological processes within living organisms,ultimately, as it means being able to change the original structure of such matter, it makes the mind of a healer a powerful instrument in holistic medicine.

      It is evident that the occurrence of such extraordinary events it is not speaking of a bare intellectual prowess or a high cognitive faculty, it takes the gift of a psychic mind with ties to the metaphysical plane,this enables individuals to bring about what could be deemed as "miracles" or the capability to produce physical events that cannot be explained by ordinary reasoning,these occurrences stem from a deep exchange of extrinsic influences, acting beyond the scope of common perceptions,they exhibit a clear phenomenal behavior that can be considered supernatural,it is through this psychic resonance with the metaphysical realm that individuals can manifest extraordinary feats, leaving those who have witnessed or experienced them firsthand astonished.

      As mentioned, the capability to exert control over the minds of others represents a pinnacle achievement of psychic power,this ability represents a significant inference for the self-centered human mindset, as it conceives the incorporeal realm of the mind to interact unrestrained with the material world of "matter," which encompasses all established natural laws typically invariable to such efforts,the notion of controlling others minds without the mediation of external factors holds a particular allure because it represents a form of power that, being genuine and undisputed, cannot be easily challenged, ultimately benefiting the psychic who possesses such an ability,however, the pursuit of such power is not without its ethical and moral implications, for bypassing the complexities of negotiation or actual persuasion, individuals are able to bend others to their will with a mere thoughtful intention, the ability to control others' minds raises serious issues about consent, autonomy, and the nature of free will,it stands at the crossroads between influence and manipulation, highlighting the delicate balance between exerting power and respecting the agency of others.

       Psychic phenomena have a captivating effect on human imagination and curiosity, and one remarkable manifestation of psychic power stays in psychokinesis (abbreviated as PK), which unlike other cognitive psychic abilities, psychokinesis involves the direct manipulation of physical objects through simply mental effort, to challenge the phsysical laws of mechanics of cause and effect, suggesting that consciousness possesses a power beyond what we can imagine,the manifestations of psychokinesis vary broadly, ranging from subtle movements of small objects to dramatic displays of telekinesis, where large or heavy items are purportedly manipulated with the power of the mind alone, eluding totally the actual comprehension,if the mind truly possesses the ability to influence matter directly, it suggests a fundamental interrelation between consciousness and physicality, by exploring the mechanisms underlying psychokinesis, we could potentially unlock new avenues for scientific inquiry in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics,continuously probing the mysteries of consciousness and the universe.

       Although some cases, of telekinesis, are viewed as extreme and require to investigate into the realm of the fundamental forces of nature to explain this psychical phenomenon, nevertheless on an affordable level, recent studies from specialized research centers have ignited fervent interest in the potentials of the mind,these studies have yielded enthusiastic results, bringing the concept of "mind over matter" even closer,researchers are increasingly convinced that the mind possesses remarkable abilities beyond our current understanding,through rigorous experimentation and advanced technologies, scientists have begun unraveling the intricacies of psychic powers in all their manifestations, from telekinesis to extrasensory perception,these once-underestimated phenomena are now subject to serious scientific inquiry, offering a glimpse into a future when a better understanding of the nature of existence, allows the extraordinary capabilities of the human mind being acknowledged for practical purposes.

       The brain, referred to as the shrine of the mind from eastern philosophers, is likened to an electrochemical plant,it operates through the firing of electrical impulses and chemical reactions to process thoughts,however, it is the mind that serves as the master controller,in recent times, technology has enabled the replication of such control remotely through sophisticated devices like the brain cap,supposedly able to pick up and elaborate on the electrical stimulus of the brain into definite input, these devices helped scientists to decode the neural language of the mind, this revolutionary approach enables unprecedented insights into the neurophysiological workings of consciousness,in support of medical interventions, these advancements hold the promise of revolutionizing the understanding of the mind-body relationship and unlocking new frontiers in human potential.

      The described application of the mind's ability, while demonstrating its spiritual aspect,it bears a supernatural power capable of going beyond stated limitations,it envisions a scenario where a holistic healer could interact with technology solely through mental focus or visual contact, without the need for mechanical controls, such biomedical procedure may stand as further proof of the full resource of the mind, where the dichotomy between mind and matter fades,this would represent a remarkable feat of human ingenuity, it is noteworthy that for a true holistic approach that embraces the spiritual dimensions of consciousness, it requires the mastery of "mind over matter" by super gifted individuals capable of bridging the gap between biology and technology,this event states the expectations of humanity once the integration of mind and machine may redefine the very essence of its existence.

       After the first insights into themselves, humans became aware of being a special creature within the biosphere, they eventually learned to discern the spirituality of the mind from the materialistic universe, thus forming the dawn of human consciousness, which being initially founded on physical extremes to secure oneself survival, it evolved to perceive an absolute consciousness, where the mind always prevailed as a pure entity,this enabled the attribution of a supposed "divine" power capable of dominating all things, which was very appealing for deeming a godhead, throughout the evolution, this perception has helped mankind to shape the course of its development, traditionally, this task was reserved for privileged psychic individuals, who conscientiously attributed to the mind a vital spirit with a universal role,endowed by the high intellectual capacity they demonstrated to have.

       Although the dualism of Mind and Matter has deeply intrigued thinkers of all times,its conceptual framework remains largely abstract, as it has not produced any practical effects for the evolution of humanity,despite the efforts of philosophers who have delved into the implications of this dualism, it has not significantly influenced the course of human history or shaped our collective destiny,instead, the decisions affecting the destiny of humanity endure based on functional considerations, without attributing them to the spiritual side of the mind, human existence is characterized by a multitude of factors, including social, economic, political, and environmental dynamics, all of which they exert significant influence on the course of events,these factors, which define the existential reality,rather than adherence to dualistic beliefs, they are more a result of free will decisions and actions, susceptible to misconceptions and do not rely on the Mind and Matter paradigma.

       When the notion of dualism fails to observe the reciprocal relation of Mind and Matter, their conception follows an approach as distinct entities, being irrevocably linked in the human experience,whereas the mind influences the perceptions and interpretation of the material world, while in turn, the world shapes the experiences and development of the mind, despite this theoretical appeal, the duality of Mind and Matter has not yielded practical solutions to the existential tests proposed to humanity, thus, rather than abstract philosophy, the human progress is determined by empirical observation, virtual constructs, scientific inquiry, technological innovation, and collective human endeavor, grounded in the concrete realities of existence, the duality of Mind and Matter remains an intriguing concept, its relevance remains limited, if not null, in addressing practical challenges faced by humanity.

       Credit has been given to the miracles attributed to Christ for representing a fundamental change in human consciousness, in fact, the fame of this holiest figure transcend the mere psychic abilities it bore, he was believed to manifest divine interventions from the metaphysical realm, he became the most charismatic omen of history and the first documented interaction between psychic power and matter,from the stand of his metaphysical plane, Christ not only demonstrated his authority over the physical realm but also conveyed profound spiritual truths filled with empathy for humanity suffering, his manifestations had a cathartic effect on those who witnessed his otherworldly performances, daring their consciousness to believe in the possibility of a higher power beyond the confines of the physical world.

      It is evident that the mind bears more versatile features compared to matter, which remains bound by its inherent limitations without any cognitive faculty to guide its development,in the search for reconciling this dualistic nature, the mind emerges as a marker of adaptability even in complex issues such as abstract concepts and intricate thoughts, venturing into realms beyond the possible,in contrast, matter adheres to the laws of physics, embodying strength and indestructibility,contemplating this duality, the quest for universal balance becomes foremost,however, the ultimate element that determines the most sensible reasoning in philosophy is to account for the metaphysical nature of the psyche to foster a holistic perspective that is compatible with dualistic thinking, realizing the human innate capacity to partake the universal harmony.

      Many philosophical traditions assert that the psyche serves as a spiritual intermediary originating from the supranatural universe,which possesses the ability, through the psychic mind, to engage with the material world, this belief promotes unwavering faith in the consciousness and insights of those granted of this gift, even in primitive societies where supernatural events are typically perceived as magical, the acknowledgment of metaphysical implications in such occurrences remains undeniable,this recognition evokes a profound sense of awe for the psychic mind responsible for them, who are guided by the wisdom of a transcendent consciousness, the psychic mind becomes the conduit for extraordinary events which cause is inexplicable from known reasoning, thus steadily attributed to the hand of a higher power, however, despite its role in bringing spiritual enlightenment and self-realization to individuals, the psychic mind often faces prejudice imbued in superstition and mysticism.

       Essentially the metaphysical realm transcends the dichotomy of mind and matter,although it is accessible to self-reveal through the subtle perception and heightened awareness of the psychic mind,such mystical conditions give way to a spiritual circumstance to perform authentic psychic events,occurring beyond any rationalization, this higher plane of consciousness,raises the understanding of all things, allowing the communion of the psyche with the fundamental principles of the universe,it is within this realm that the intricate exchange of consciousness takes place, in this mystical span, psychic events are manifested at ease, as a result, these "sacred" episodes invite individuals to embrace the mysteries of the universe with an open heart and mind, served by an outworldly perception for a blessed spiritual experience, thus revealing esoteric knowledge and providing fertile ground for the manifestation of authentic psychic events,it is through subtle perception and heightened awareness, that the transcendent nature of the psychic realm is most profoundly realized.

      It is a misunderstanding to view the psyche as a simple extension of the mind, because such inference implies just an abstract concept,inadequate for discerning its supernatural aspect, actually the psyche has numerous virtues, among which stands its unique ability to pave the way for benevolent spirituality within humanity, a path accessible to every individual, however the achievement of this quality is rare and require dedicated spiritual practice and cultivation, which let to suppose that possessing the true mystical property, necessary to employ psychic power, is not a universal trait for all individuals, for enabling their psyche to transcend the limitations of the mind, it needs to pursuit a quest of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment,true psychic abilities derive from a deep connection to the metaphysical realm and a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies.

      The mystical dualism of mind and matter encompasses the potential of the psyche, which is guided through the spiritual consciousness, to unravel the transcendental riddles which uphold its existence, on the other hand, this transcendence not only sheds light on the essence of the psychic events but also infuses them with coherence and significance in the eyes of those who believe in such matters, by its purest form, the psyche exemplifies in this exceptional occurrence, the repository of human experience, that is perceiving the vibration of an ephemeral perception that surpasses the reason of the senses, this perception cannot be reduced just to a materialistic formula of biochemical processes governed by neural interactions, evincing that one needs to discern the metaphysical dimensions of the psyche from the recesses of consciousness, which converging with the fabric of reality it shapes our perceptions and experiences rendering a psychic event coherent to oneself faith.

      Arising from a universal causation rooted in the metaphysical realm,the power of a psychic mind to manifest extraordinary events, granting on its sake the ability to reveal the ethereal matrix of the supernatural, defying the common sequence of the grounded reality,these events, far from a spectacle of marvels,they carry the imprint of a grand cosmic design, holding a deeper significance infused with universal wisdom, which hidden within its intricacy of symbolism and metaphor, conceal coded messages, offering to humanity insight to help its perennial quest to find meaning and purpose of the cosmic existence, and the mysteries that entails, as each extraordinary event serves as a lens through which the psychic mind unravel the threads of its truth.

      Exploring into the concept of mastering matter solely with the mind, expressed within the framework of relativity, where time, space, and matter intertwine in misterious ways, the idea of mind over matter takes on a new dimension as it prompts into deep speculations be in science as in philosophy, whereas for the latter it poses a mere existential concern: what would it mean for humanity if such a power was indeed within our reach? would it inflate the ego of mankind to godlike proportions, or would it simply unveil the latent capability that has always existed within itself, whether or not this message is understood, it depends on the individual consciousness and its relationship to the external world, as this concept compels to reevaluate our perceptions of reality and the self-imposed boundaries we place upon ourselves beyond the relevance of such phenomenon, this predicament, seemingly more a subject for science fiction and mysticism narrative, it challenges however the rational understanding of the laws of nature and the limits of the human potential being capable to cope with them.

      In conclusion,in the material world shared by humanity, occurs everyday, every where, numerous phenomena that suggest the influence of psychic abilities, despite these occurrences are often just dismissed as inexplicable anomalies, relegated to the fringes of scientific inquiry, amidst the continuous evolution of the natural system, of which humanity is an essential component, there is a compelling rationale for carefully observing such insolite events, it's crucial to distinctly recognize what the dualism mind and matter could evince, through a rigorous observation and an open-minded inquiry, instead of dismissing these phenomenal occurrences they should be approached with curiosity and humility,acknowledging that our current scientific paradigms do not fully encompass the understanding of some human experiences, thus it is embracing a holistic view of reality that enable to acknowledge the subtle interaction between the physical and the metaphysical.

      To finish this commentary with a rhetoric metaphor: although it cannot be taken as the best representation of the interaction psychic power over matter, consider a familiar scenario where intelligence confronts brute force, where, in this dynamic interplay the intellect emerges victorious, this portrayal serves as a compelling illustration of the potential of mind control, as a personal ability to manage oneself with strategic thinking and innovative ideas, individuals can effectively demonstrate that mental prowess can surpass physical strength, underscoring the notion that true strength lies not in sheer physical might, but in the capacity to overcome obstacles with the power of the mind, in essence, while the concept of psychic power over matter may remain a topic of speculation it emphasizes the importance of cultivating critical thinking skills and nurturing creativity as essential tools for success in the issues of existence.


Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science

(document concerning spirit and matter redacted by eminent scientists)

We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality and society. The summit was co-organized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and Mario Beauregard, PhD, the University of Arizona, and Lisa Miller, PhD, Columbia University. This summit was held at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, on February 7-9, 2014. Our purpose was to discuss the impact of the materialist ideology on science and the emergence of a post-materialist paradigm for science, spirituality, and society. We have come to the following conclusions:

1. The modern scientific worldview is predominantly predicated on assumptions that are closely associated with classical physics. Materialism—the idea that matter is the only reality—is one of these assumptions. A related assumption is reductionism, the notion that complex things can be understood by reducing them to the interactions of their parts, or to simpler or more fundamental things such as tiny material particles.

2. During the 19th century, these assumptions narrowed, turned into dogmas, and coalesced into an ideological belief system that came to be known as “scientific materialism.” This belief system implies that the mind is nothing but the physical activity of the brain, and that our thoughts cannot have any effect upon our brains and bodies, our actions, and the physical world.

3. The ideology of scientific materialism became dominant in academia during the 20th century. So dominant that a majority of scientists started to believe that it was based on established empirical evidence, and represented the only rational view of the world.

4. Scientific methods based upon materialistic philosophy have been highly successful in not only increasing our understanding of nature but also in bringing greater control and freedom through advances in technology.

5. However, the nearly absolute dominance of materialism in the academic world has seriously constricted the sciences and hampered the development of the scientific study of mind and spirituality. Faith in this ideology, as an exclusive explanatory framework for reality, has compelled scientists to neglect the subjective dimension of human experience. This has led to a severely distorted and impoverished understanding of ourselves and our place in nature.

6. Science is first and foremost a non-dogmatic, open-minded method of acquiring knowledge about nature through the observation, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Its methodology is not synonymous with materialism and should not be committed to any particular beliefs, dogmas, or ideologies.

7. At the end of the nineteenth century, physicists discovered empirical phenomena that could not be explained by classical physics. This led to the development, during the 1920s and early 1930s, of a revolutionary new branch of physics called quantum mechanics (QM). QM has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world. The results of recent experiments support this interpretation. These results suggest that the physical world is no longer the primary or sole component of reality, and that it cannot be fully understood without making reference to the mind.

8. Psychological studies have shown that conscious mental activity can causally influence behavior, and that the explanatory and predictive value of agentic factors (e.g. beliefs, goals, desires and expectations) is very high. Moreover, research in psychoneuroimmunology indicates that our thoughts and emotions can markedly affect the activity of the physiological systems (e.g., immune, endocrine, cardiovascular) connected to the brain. In other respects, neuroimaging studies of emotional self-regulation, psychotherapy, and the placebo effect demonstrate that mental events significantly influence the activity of the brain.

9. Studies of the so-called "psi phenomena" indicate that we can sometimes receive meaningful information without the use of ordinary senses, and in ways that transcend the habitual space and time constraints. Furthermore, psi research demonstrates that we can mentally influence—at a distance—physical devices and living organisms (including other human beings). Psi research also shows that distant minds may behave in ways that are nonlocally correlated, i.e. the correlations between distant minds are hypothesized to be unmediated (they are not linked to any known energetic signal), unmitigated (they do not degrade with increasing distance), and immediate (they appear to be simultaneous). These events are so common that they cannot be viewed as anomolous nor as exceptions to natural laws, but as indications of the need for a broader explanatory framework that cannot be predicated exclusively on materialism.


10. Conscious mental activity can be experienced in clinical death during a cardiac arrest (this is what has been called a "near-death experience" [NDE]). Some near-death experiencers (NDErs) have reported veridical out-of-body perceptions (i.e. perceptions that can be proven to coincide with reality) that occurred during cardiac arrest. NDErs also report profound spiritual experiences during NDEs triggered by cardiac arrest. It is noteworthy that the electrical activity of the brain ceases within a few seconds following a cardiac arrest.

11. Controlled laboratory experiments have documented that skilled research mediums (people who claim that they can communicate with the minds of people who have physically died) can sometimes obtain highly accurate information about deceased individuals. This further supports the conclusion that mind can exist separate from the brain.

12. Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favored theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed a priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.

13. It is important to realize that psi phenomena, NDEs in cardiac arrest, and replicable evidence from credible research mediums, appear anomalous only when seen through the lens of materialism.

14. Moreover, materialist theories fail to elucidate how brain could generate the mind, and they are unable to account for the empirical evidence alluded to in this manifesto. This failure tells us that it is now time to free ourselves from the shackles and blinders of the old materialist ideology, to enlarge our concept of the natural world, and to embrace a post-materialist paradigm.

15. According to the post-materialist paradigm: a) Mind represents an aspect of reality as primordial as the physical world. Mind is fundamental in the universe, i.e. it cannot be derived from matter and reduced to anything more basic. b) There is a deep interconnectedness between mind and the physical world. c) Mind (will/intention) can influence the state of the physical world, and operate in a nonlocal (or extended) fashion, i.e. it is not confined to specific points in space, such as brains and bodies, nor to specific points in time, such as the present. Since the mind may nonlocally influence the physical world, the intentions, emotions, and desires of an experimenter may not be completely isolated from experimental outcomes, even in controlled and blinded experimental designs. d) Minds are apparently unbounded, and may unite in ways suggesting a unitary, One Mind that includes all individual, single minds. e) NDEs in cardiac arrest suggest that the brain acts as a transceiver of mental activity, i.e. the mind can work through the brain, but is not produced by it. NDEs occurring in cardiac arrest, coupled with evidence from research mediums, further suggest the survival of consciousness, following bodily death, and the existence of other levels of reality that are non-physical. f) Scientists should not be afraid to investigate spirituality and spiritual experiences since they represent a central aspect of human existence.

16. Post-materialist science does not reject the empirical observations and great value of scientific achievements realized up until now. It seeks to expand the human capacity to better understand the wonders of nature, and in the process rediscover the importance of mind and spirit as being part of the core fabric of the universe. Post-materialism is inclusive of matter, which is seen as a basic constituent of the universe.

17. The post-materialist paradigm has far-reaching implications. It fundamentally alters the vision we have of ourselves, giving us back our dignity and power, as humans and as scientists. This paradigm fosters positive values such as compassion, respect, and peace. By emphasizing a deep connection between ourselves and nature at large, the post-materialist paradigm also promotes environmental awareness and the preservation of our biosphere. In addition, it is not new, but only forgotten for four hundred years, that a lived transmaterial understanding may be the cornerstone of health and wellness, as it has been held and preserved in ancient mind-body-spirit practices, religious traditions, and contemplative approaches.

18. The shift from materialist science to post-materialist science may be of vital importance to the evolution of the human civilization. It may be even more pivotal than the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism.