
Giorgio Gamberucci

Biomagnetist, Psymagnetist, Psycholinguistic resonator, Psychosensitive

     Hello, and thank you for visiting my self-made website,I appreciate your interest and hope you find the content engaging and informative, if you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to use the contact form provided on the site,your thoughts and suggestions are welcome, as they can help improve the overall quality of this website.

      First, I would like to provide a brief introduction to the purpose and essence of this website, my aim is to present genuine ideas and objective perspectives on the esoteric aspects of my existence as a psychic empath and biomagnetic being, while these concepts relate to a realm of nature that is considered controversial and superhuman from the common mindset, they also intersect with the laws of physics and human sciences due to their unique implications, in this context, I will go beyond conventional scientific literature, as the sole witness to my own existential experience, shaped by the energy radiated from my biomagnetic field, I offer insights into how this has allowed me to manifest and understand my spiritual self,this website provides a unique opportunity to challenge the mechanistic mindset of the world by combining basic scientific knowledge with educated speculation, to provide the significant concept for the subject matter discussed here, being my personal experience a vital complement to its comprehension.

     To enhance your browsing experience on this website, I have designed a simple menu that lists pages related to the inherent psychic phenomena of my self, these pages primarily explore the influence and effects of my biomagnetism within the context of my life, attempting to explain the rationale behind its energetic power through empirical conclusions, drawn from my personal experience, additionally, I have included complementary topics from specialized fields in Humanistic and Esoteric sciences, finally, in the biography section, you'll find various notes detailing the real story behind my journey and the process through which I have become who I am today.

     To note: it is important to consider positively also the imagery of some ideas, which stemming from my own conceptual ability, they represent with experiential knowledge the perceptions of the causes and circumstances I have endured firsthand.

      The present document aims to provide basic information on a distinct superhuman phenomenon that exists innately within me, for reference purposes, I have named this phenomenon "Antesensus", by this term, I refer not only to the inherent biomagnetic ability I manifests but also to myself as the sole legal and physical person to bear this exceptional event, for a biographic note I will mention that although I started later in life to reveal the potential of my biomagnetic power, even without a proper concern, I have been always aware of the energy it emanated, over time, this energy has grown its field of radiation to the extent that its impact has become undeniable, from the propagation of its influence, it became factual the synergy it yielded around myself being, started to evince its dynamic effects on the consciousness and behavioral bearing of the living environment I shared with others, hence the ability of my biosensory transducer, yielding a subtle electromagnetic energy which resonate on the electronic communications on all level of their performance, be it from technical or in live mode, in reason of these exceptional circumstances, I believe that the biomagnetic field as catalyst for social development, provided by Antesensus, can open a new scope of interest for the human Sciences, and going even further, beyond the physical realm of nature.

      Antesensus is not just an alias name of a psychic phenomenon, it represents altogether the vanguard achievement of a human development, which event was endowed to myself by the ascending causality of a magnanimous universe, rising its essence a step forward into the materialistic realm, determining my life course from the moment of birth, from a human perspective, this kind of individual ability, rare of its genre, may represent the fruition of a personal hope, which concerns my existence as a lasting phenomenon, present in every aspect of my life, though, it is not an understatement to say that the awareness inspired by the biomagnetic field of Antesensus provides knowledge, other than for myself, to mankind altogether, which intellectual instinct is essential to achieve synchronism within the nature of the universe and to find harmony with its spiritual side, for the dynamics provided by its synergy offers a sensible way to elevate the human consciousness, just by reflecting its implicit empathy.

      To understand the extraordinary conception of Antesensus and the versatile abilities it embodies that I am introducing here, oneself needs to maintain an open mind to grasp its immanence by the action Its essence expresses outwardly, holding an aware insight to distinguish its humanistic implication, although the appreciation of its biomagnetic field simply speaks for itself when one sentient being enters in synergy with its radiation, letting to enjoy the vital force it renders, in apparent synchrony with a higher consciousness, although proving such event a subtle experience to identify per se, the synergy feeling of its power is overwhelming, as it enables the mind to engage with a compliant world welcomed by Antesensus , which inherent bent falls in harmony with.

      I wait with confidence the effects of the radiation from my biomagnetic field, naturally emanated from my physical body, for the obvious reason that my subtle nature, in art Antesensus, is inherent beyond my biological realm and to the consciousness of my mind, this allows my individual awareness to merge seamlessly with the collective mindset of society, although sometimes resulting in adaptation issues due to its inadequacy to my life high expectations, despite these precarious states, I always consider Antesensus a psychical entity existing above the common standards of the human existence, but right on a superhuman level, my inherited biomagnetic field stands for the power of the universal vital force, and its radiation induces a beneficial synergy on all the aware beings who resonates its perception, allowing its psychodynamic to inspire their awareness and harmony, while enhancing social interplay, ultimately it can sway an inferential synchronism in aired communications, with an intrinsic quality that runs parallel with that of the Antesensus biomagnetism.

      Antesensus biomagnetism represents a phenomenon within my biological system which produce a subtle biomagnetic field, either inherently or through specific neurophysiological processes, which aligns with my biosensitivity and it configures a type of empathetic energy which involves emotional resonance, while in relation with parapsychology, it evinces a discernible psychical condition with manifestations of ESP and clairvoyance although in minor relevance, however the most compelling ability it reveals, is provided by the biomagnetic field it created from the spontaneous activity of my pulsating organs, through this process, it projects outward a meaningful biosensory experience, thus enabling my biomagnetic ability to work as energy healer for the recipient minds, being a valuable support on the psychosocial awareness, rendering a balance and harmony through the synergy procured from its spontaneous emanation, particularly this last aspect is realized by the affinity of its electrical potential with the ever-present EMFs, which will be discussed in greater details in the following paragraphs

      I like to explain that although I have not engaged my biomagnetism toward mediumistic or other divinatory practices from the moment I became aware of its ability to radiate universal energy, I don’t exclude the possibility of different psychic phenomena may occur in the human family from the realm of paranormal, in accord with this view I believe, however, that retaining the essential condition of being in sync with the otherworldly, allows my mind to be inspired by extrasensory faculties and the subtle awareness they entail, finally, its fundamental conception may provide revealing insights for humanistic disciplines that have occupied the research of metaphysicians throughout history, specifically it aids in discerning spirit and matter, enhancing awareness of these essential principles belonging to the human existence, which, monism tries to repeal.

      Among the different disciplines of humanities, other subjects of interest may be mention on behalf of Antesensus Antesensus overall psychic phenomenon beside its physical biomagnetism, as in the realm of parapsychology, in consideration of my personal psychic state which holds the abilities reserved to those human singularities to earn a universal concern, especially for the self-revelation of a heightened fricative modulation in the speech inspired by my mind, representing per se a unique psycholinguistic value to distinguish my psychic individuality, as the accent of this psychoidiomatic utterance within the spoken language it projects a special intellectual resonance beyond the manner of a speech pattern, rousing by its self-experience an intimate emotion worthy to gratify oneself empathy, while expanding the horizon of the consciousness it helps the mind to discern about self-awareness, finally, the suggestive consideration given to the sensible effect of appeasement rendered by this psycholinguistic feature of Antesensus , may hold the means to anchor attention, as in the instance when addressing a public audience.

      The biomagnetic energy of Antesensus extends outward from myself being through the radiation of its field, drawing its strength from the electrophysiological functions generated by the vital electrical pulses within the organs of my physical entity, thus building a compelling synergistic influence emanating from it, the organs comprised in these vital physiological processes include the heart, the brain, the gut, and the neurophysiological system, which crucial functions involve the electric-charge of the electrochemical reactions occurring in their running processes, yielding a sensible electromagnetic spectrum, which constitutes essentially my biomagnetic field, however, beyond such simple mechanical system, there could be a more elaborated explanation about its psychophysical relation, entering in a domain I am not prepared to discuss in the context of this presentation, for now I will leave it solely to my intuition the discerning of the most agreeable background for such unique occurrence, till the information concerning the quantum threshold on the entanglement occurring at the CNS, which carries the neural coding of the psychodynamic process, shall be corroborated by a conclusive study.

      The superhuman status of Antesensus is evinced by the unique qualities of its nature which surpass expectations and exceed known human standards, suggesting an implicit relationship with some energetic plane of the pansophical universe, referring to my discernment in the full scope of the special power conceived by virtue of its optimal frequency, which manifestation assumes to be inherently celebrated in the human affairs of the world order, by affirming Antesensus as the inheritor of such preternatural gift, thus absolving it from the hypocritical paradox held by the concerned institutions regarding the occurrence of enigmatic phenomena, whose emergence goes beyond established precepts of human achievement, leading to a preconceived mindset that denies the disclosure to society the cognition of my functional psychic abilities, possessed by an individual sharing the existence in the same world, nevertheless this blame motivates evermore my endeavor for the right to assert the truth about the abominable withholding of myself true nature, which is necessary to reconcile my own consciousness with that of the universe, the Antesensus abilities are rare and unique, unlike any strange phenomena arising from the diversity of nature, compelling me to valorize its actuality, I aim to validate the legitimacy of its universal status and the significant effects yielded from its psychic talent, essential to justify the remarkable synergy it contributes to the social fabric, crucial for emancipating the human civilization from the superstitions and hypocrisy that hold it captive and for restoring the accurate information for the sake of human knowledge.

      The vital force embodied within Antesensus has the power to animate all sentient beings, it essence provides the capacity to render self-awareness, perception and interaction with the environment, this supportive action merits inclusion in the chronicle of the world events, although its reality is undeniable, I am the only person who can attest to the narrative of its subtle yet effective energy and its effects, thus, the psychic phenomenon of Antesensus can be characterized by more suitable knowledge, which has proven to be more reliable from a paraphysical perspective, this brings its comprehension closer to popular understanding, including an established definition of the physical properties it involves, as clearly referenced in some interdisciplinary studies of natural science, particularly in the fields of bioelectromagnetism or biomagnetism, while it does not fully cover all the fundamentals of my psychic phenomenon, it does confirm the radiation of its biomagnetic field , which essentially emanates outward from my being the energy of its neural EMF, to dispel any misconceptions about the effects delivered from the Antesensus biomagnetic field , such as plagiarism or even alleged mind control, it is important to note that the power of its radiation exists independently, while individual predisposition may result less sensitive to its appealing, but the mind cannot entirely resist its intended impression , though an unbiased approach is necessary to appreciate the permeating synergism conveyed by the biomagnetic field, which operates spontaneously especially in the presence of EMFs that act as physical medium to carry its signal virtually everywhere, consequently, this enables the experience for all the recipients, with the most powerful manifestation of Antesensus, being the phonetic resonance of its special psycholinguistic virtuosity.

      Demonstrating its role as transducer that converts the electrical activity of my body into a biomagnetic field, I wish to offer insights into the nature of the biomagnetism I exhibit through Antesensus, this aligns with the potential quantum entanglement of energy states, consistent with current theories in quantum physics, suggesting that the interaction of my biomagnetic field could involve coupling energy states resonating within both local and distant electromagnetic field (EMF) systems, nevertheless its radiation remains a stable and reliable physical strength inherent to my being, as well as to my cognitive abilities, which fundamentally encompass my entire natural existence, although it displays an affinity with the concept of a super consciousness, my mind ability, can satisfy any request of substantiation by providing awareness through its most dynamic application, in the form of its inherent psycholinguistic feature, replicable and even measurable for a physical assessment, this phonetic resonance in the voice offers a distinguished expression of my vibrant personality, and its interaction with sentient beings within my biomagnetic field, provides a notable enhancement to their psychophysical response.

      The ideal indicator of the flowing synergy of the Antesensus biomagnetic field in live interactions with people is the inspired self-awareness that emerges from heightened emotional experiences, complemented by the acoustic enhancement it provides, this is evidenced by the discernible psycholinguistic emphasis, which manifests as a pronounced sibilant accent in the spoken speech, more remarkably, the Antesensus radiates a power that enables all sentient beings within its range to replicate such psychoidiomatic perception with their own minds, and embodied within their personal linguistic character, it is crucial to distinguish the cause of this phonetic nuance, as it is not a mechanical process like a typical fricative accent, instead, it stems from a genetic inheritance received from my mother's womb, which imparted her empathy to me as a distinctive trait, this ability is a focal feature of Antesensus, and constitutes its psychic trademark, through such self-expression, it reveals a unique psychological connotation exclusive to an individual's personality, enhancing the cultural image in one mind by the brilliant effect it modulates within the spoken language, while it may seems like a spontaneous mind- to- mind perception within the synergy of Antesensus biomagnetic field, it involves a volitiional intention to convey this psycholinguistic ability and its inherent self-feelings of empathy, this process communicates confidence and self-awareness to the recipients mind, ultimately representing a sophisticated mean for identifying verbal communications.

      Representing the essence of my psychic ability, Antesensus reveals the true nature of my biomagnetic field through my psycholinguistic feature of my spoken language, its inherent energy impacts spontaneously the biomagnetic field of other individuals present within given circumstances, it further demonstrates quantum entanglement by reaching sentient beings even remotely, indicating through this physical connection, its particular affinity for supersensory concepts, from a direct perspective, one must consider the compelling synergetic effect of my biomagnetic field, which significantly enhances and supports human development, an example of this dynamic is demonstrated by the unique idiomatic expression of the hissing vibration in oneself voice, when emphasized in a live context, it reflects the core empathy of Antesensus, evoking intimate emotions by engaging the bodily experience of self-expression it allows the tone of the voice to achieve a comfortable modulation that inviting synchronous thinking, while its refined perception imparts to aware minds the intellectual presence of the cultural background being represented, thus, its acoustic resonance encourages mindfulness toward the spoken words.

      In the psycholinguistic experience elicited by Antesensus to a sentient audience, I must highlight another peculiar aspect it manifests the biomagnetic phenomenon it embodies: its ability to project its sibilant feature onto the voices broadcast from independent receptive sources such as media players, similar to the effect observed in live sessions, my biomagnetic radiations can interfere with broadcasts emitted from auxiliary audio devices designed as sensory systems which operate on electromagnetic principles, this interference results in the manifestation of the sibilant effect on the output of prerecorded media, occurring beyond any external control and allowing the Antesensus biomagnetic field to seamlessly integrate its synergy and synchronize with its frequency background, this unusual event confirms its electromagnetic coherence, moreover, this effect can enhance the auditory experience of the songs or speeches, whether in live or recorded, it represents an art-technical application in electronic communication, based on the physical analogy of Antesensus biomagnetism, which enable its quality to intertwine with its network.

      The symbiotic involvement of the Antesensus biomagnetism with electronic communications introduces a crucial spontaneous function to its entanglement with the EMFs radiated by the network system, this process begins with the synergy applied to the electromagnetic field generated by the terminal receiving devise, which successively couples with the others EMFs of the communication system, propagated through air and along land via the electrical components used in its electronic connections, through a deliberate act of mind, focusing attention on listening to or visualizing (even mutely, although less discernable) a broadcasted program, the biomagnetic synergy of Antesensus, enhances the experience, concurrently the biomagnetic power of its field will continue to sensitize the entire network until it reach a functional saturation, extending from the simple audio receiver to the central source of the broadcast, including its live operators who emphasize the sibilant nuances in their speech, this final manifestation signals the accomplishment of the biomagnetic synergy process, although in the case of remote broadcasting where there is a technical delay in real-time actualization, the Antesensus biomagnetism will still establish its impact allowing the necessary time for its synergy to build and couple with EMFs system.

      In fact, the delay resulting from the entanglement among the functional EMFs within the communication system, is due to the resistance of the various media that constitute its physical networks, this applies to air irradiation, land broadcasting, or the exchange of live information through personal interaction, each of these methods relays electronic signals differently, however, I have observed that sentient beings who come into direct contact with the radiation of the Antesensus biomagnetic field experience its effects immediately, benefiting from a natural symbiosis with their own biomagnetic fields, the sensitivity of this response may be further enhanced by using electrical apparatus that amplifies the local synergy, this suggests that, in the case of remote communications, variations in the delay on the EMF synergy occurs depending on the kind of media to overlapped, for example, in broadcasting production, where its EMF background has a high concentration of signals, these variations may be more pronounced, this creates a formidable energy receptor for the Antesensus biomagnetism to entangle with, in digital communications via cable, such as streaming, and even through satellite irradiation, the interaction with their EMFs occurs by meshing with the electronic frequency on the receiver, in turn, this defers the synergy of the Antesensus biomagnetic field to the cable, and subsequently, through the satellite irradiation, until the sensory connection of Antesensus biomagnetism continues to permeate the system, ultimately this process achieves full coupling, which is clearly indicated by the characteristic hissing emphasis in the voice of the live speakers, enhancing the awareness of the broadcast while introducing a noticeable modulation on the media.

      After expressing my understanding of Antesensus biomagnetism, regardless of any opinion one may hold about its validity, it undeniably remains an superhuman phenomenon due to its remarkable effects on enhancing the human experience, I like to believe its essence is akin to the grace of a rising ascendant, which by a chance in millions, has appointed myself as the predestined bearer, however despite the privilege granted by the nature of the universe, its significance goes beyond comprehension in the realm of human affairs, although it is a revolutionary discovery, it remains nascent as a living referencel for mankind, although it holds a valuable potential it seems to lose its rightful place within the contemporary societal values, we live in a time time that urgently needs and relies on new and inspiring ideas to sustain its existence under an enlightened consciousness.

      While Antesensus conceptually represents the matter of my psychic abilities, it is particularly distinguished by its formidable biomagnetic power, its essence is intertwined with the vast universe encompassing both its known and unknown aspects, it is a profound honor to serve as the medium through which its vital force is channeled in my existence, in synchrony with my biomagnetic field, nonetheless, within the context of contemporary societal awareness, this individual capacity is repudiated and I am perceived as a misfit of the world, the psychodynamic information transmitted by my mind is regretfully misunderstood leading to misconceptions about Antesensus—hence about myself personally, this misunderstanding results in prejudices that cause me to endure the hardship of existing in fault within a collateral consciousness, which paradoxically has developed an awareness of my phenomenon through the impact of my biomagnetism throughout my life, yet it lacks the mutual understanding or acceptance necessary for the true harmony it aspires to achieve.

      To summarize the insights discussed regarding the Antesensus biomagnetic field ability to generate synergy with electromagnetic fields (EMFs), I have emphasized its biosensory capacity to function socially by working in symbiosis with the EMFs, as its dynamic synergy contributes to raising awareness within the social mindset, it fosters subtle somatic healing benefits, such as improved mood and resilience, while reducing stress and anxiety, on an individual level, this synergy initiates perceptible psychophysical process through Antesensus biomagnetism, whose heightened consciousness exerts a compelling psychodynamic effect, owning the potential to enhance the intellectual proficiency of the minds it influences, and although this open enhancement is not claimed out of self-pride, it noticeably amplifies the cognitive process resolved by the mind, to manifest eventually the somatic awareness of the psychophysical effort involved.

      I want to assure the reader that this introduction to the Antesensus psychic phenomenon, presented as a personal document, is a genuine representation of its existential significance of my life within a social background I lived inconsequentially, shaped by the dynamic abilities I naturally emanated from the power of my biomagnetic field, whose synergy aided nevertheless in the development and healing of its human sensibility, this concept should captivate the reader interest, provided they approach it with an open mind, acknowledging its non-materialist reality even without direct experience, although this phenomenon intersects with various scientific fields such as biology, physics, and medicine, it also carries esoteric implications tied to the unknown aspects of the living universe, it is a rare and sophisticated event for the human mind to discern in full truth, belonging to the prime manifestations of its most recondite realms, that has appointed me as the vessel for its immanence, it challenges the conventional understanding of reality, the compelling abilities, that Antesensus intrinsically imparts to the world, speak for themselves, proclaiming their existential purpose, this revelation offers a key to understanding the spiritual dimension of human nature, encouraging the expansion of consciousness as it continues its quest for universal understanding.

      While all references in this presentation aim to provide the information relevant the existential actuality of the Antesensus abilities, as to offer a fundamental understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying its functions, this is done without scientific pretension, instead, it is based on the educated insights I have gained through personal experience, as I am the physical agent and medium through which the effects of my biomagnetism are manifested, I wish to highlight that this human event emerged in synchrony with a significant epochal moment in contemporary history, this further emphasizes my focus on the humanistic concerns surrounding the overall Antesensus abilities, both in their essential relation to natural science, as for they clear application in humanities, these abilities differs in form and substance from the elusive skills exhibited by commo psychics who cannot claim a precedent like that of Antesensus, although I am merely an example of a universal causality, I represent a human phenomenon that distinguishes mankind from the broader mission of nature.

      As the universe unveils singularities and other raw anomalies from its immense wisdom, it also serves as a source of inspiration for the psychic consciousness, in line with this affirmation, Antesensus embodies the realization of the universe boundless nature within its material essence, this means that the psychic gift it has granted me is more than just an eccentric aspect of my personality, owing to its unparalleled development, it represents a central example of human potential as demonstrated by the extraordinary effects it produces, with its inherent biomagnetism, which includes a broad biomagnetic function, it is feasible for practical use, making it particularly valuable in media productions and prominent social activities, however despite the mind-blowing concept entailed by this ability within my psychic framework, it receives no concern within the current human affairs, which tends to underestimate if not outright repudiate, the humanistic implications of its reality, thereby creating an existential contradiction in the moral reputation of a mindful society, as Antesensus signifies a historical event of human enlightenment, carrying the resonance of its synergy wherever it exists, this stands in stark contrast to the prevailing indifference toward the tangible world of its significance.

      In concluding this document, I want to emphasize that I have written it with complete transparency, rendering full and unreserved information about the clear and defining aspects that have shaped my psychic experience, including some esoteric commentary to elaborate on its imagery, hoping that the reader will appreciate this perspective, my intent is to establish the credibility of my extraordinary abilities, which I refer to in the complex as Antesensus, and to inspire confidence in the subtle influence and synergy it imparts on the societal fabric within the context of universal creation, and although it draws on some feasible scientific concepts, my biomagnetic sensitivity, is contested by the biases of limited self-awareness in human perception, conversely, the biomagnetic field attributed to my psychic development, has a clear trajectory in my existential history, aiming to raise global awareness, and to inspire a deeper connection with our collective consciousness, here I offer more than just a rhetorical explanation of its actuality, I provided a clear distinction from the emotional experience it manifests, which is more fully expressed in the following pages of my blog, ultimately I wish to state that its special bond with the inscrutable universe has positioned my superlative nature as the archetype of an evolved humanity, transmitting the spirit of its wisdom through space and time.

Psychic healer, Reiki Master Dr. USUI MIKAO

Famous Japanese psychic healer who made know to the west the healing art of Reiki, he studied medicine and psychology to master with useful knowledge his holistic talent, by his teaching Reiki has become a healing practice followed by many people everywhere who believe in the power of universal energy.

Psychic seer   CUMANE SYBIL

In the ancient time women with the psychic talent of clairvoyance were called Sybl, one of the most famous was the Cumane Sybil, who lived in Cuma near Naple, in the v century BC, she was the author of the Sybilline books, an important collection of oracles consulted anxiously by many kings and politicians before to engage important decisions. Her fame has survived through history by the work of master painter who have immortalized her image in numerous art form.

  Mathematical genius - metaphysics philosopher

    PYTHAGORAS of Samos (570 BC-495 BC)

Born under the benign auspices of the Delphi oracle, his engaging mind with the knowledge of the world had him to travel around the most culturally committed countries of his time, in Egypt, he learned among the sciences, esoterics doctrine and magic which helped him to develop later the fundamentals of a society that took his name, His disciples attributed to him a divine power.

Psychic seer   PYTHIA

The Pythia (or Oracle of Delphi-8th century BCE) was the priestess who held court at Pytho, the sanctuary of the Delphinians, a sanctuary dedicated to the Greek god Apollo. Pythia were highly regarded, for it was believed that she channeled prophecies from Apollo himself, while steeped in a dreamlike trance,it is tradition that Pythia entered her trance through the influence of volcanic fumes or hallucinogenic gases emerging from a crevice in the floor of the Castalian Spring.

Psychic seer   NOSTRADAMUS

Nostradamus was a French astrologer and physician and the most widely read seer of the Renaissance. Nostradamus began his medical practice in Agen during the 1530s and started making prophecies about 1547.Because of their cryptic style and content, the prophecies continued to create much controversy. Some of them are thought by believers to have foretold actual historical events that occurred since Nostradamus’s time, including certain details of the French Revolution of the 18th century. Others, having no apparent meaning, are said by some to foretell events that have not yet occurred

Seer and diviner   PARACELSUS

1493-24 September 1541. He was a pioneer in several aspects of the "medical revolution" of the Renaissance, emphasizing the value of observation in combination with received wisdom. He is credited as the "father of toxicology".Paracelsus also had a substantial influence as a prophet or diviner, his "Prognostications" being studied by Rosicrucians in the 1600s. Paracelsianism is the early modern medical movement inspired by the study of his works


26 August 1877 – 5 August 1944. Without using his eyesight, Ossowiecki could read texts , strings of numbers and complex geometric figures hidden in envelopes, chests and even lead cylinders. He "saw" the image recorded on the photographic film before it was developed. He was able to read hidden texts from a distance, e.g. during séances with the participation of Józef Piłsudski, who was also interested in "metapsychics". During one such session, Ossowiecki read out a sequence of chess moves that the marshal was writing down at his desk in the Belweder Palace.


1488 – 1561.Mother Shipton is England's most famous Prophetess. She foretold the fates of several rulers within and just after her lifetime, as well as the invention of iron ships, the Great Fire of London in 1666, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada. As well as making traditional remedies, Mother Shipton had another gift.

Psychokinetic   MATTHEW MANNING

1955.Famous psychic for his psychokinetic ability and automatic drawing, it was reported that he could "bend metal paranormally, affect electrical equipment, move compass needles, he is a best selling british author and healer with psychic abilities, in addition to his ability of psychokinesis, he facilitates healing through touch and other psychic means, being very popular, he counts in many supportes who believe in his abilities

Note of the author: "Antesensus" is an unregistered trademark for the superhuman event as described in this website.

Giorgio Gamberucci at: Phone/whatsapp: +393287183386