
Antesensus phenomenon

In this chapter, I emphasize the extraordinary phenomenon of Antesensus, a rare psychophysical singularity that has profoundly shaped my life,I coined the term "Antesensus" as a brand name to define the organic agent of a biosensory attribute generated within the neural activities of my being, the electrical currents circulating within me give rise to an intense biomagnetism that surpasses the natural human constitution,its power is fundamentally characterized by a compelling biomagnetic radiance, intricately intertwined with its field,this radiation extends my biomagnetic abilities, manifesting through other heightened psychophysical faculties.

I proudly identify myself as the living entity carrying this superhuman phenomenon, which term Antesensus holds particular significance for its unique psycholinguistic feature for the highly resonant psycholinguistic pattern embedded in my uttered speech, this individual nuance serves as a recall signal of the mind, imprinting a sublime reference from the essence of consciousness itself, unlike common fricative sounds, this feature of Antesensus offers a glimpse into another dimension of world perception.

With its psycholinguistic resonance, the overall superhuman abilities of Antesensus create a captivating human experience, engaging the senses and drawing a sentient audience into the subtle sensations it generates, its very existence stands as an evincing experience to the extraordinary potential of the human mind and spirit, revealing the limitless boundaries of self-awareness,this psychical ability defies conventional understanding, inspiring both inquiry and reflection, as the human recipient of this gift, I am honored to present its vision with the world through this written message.

From the sentiment of sharing a valuable gift of universal wisdom, I have created these webpages to express my profound reverence in this extraordinary phenomenon, my explicit purpose is to provide firsthand information about its multiple capabilities,the primary distinction of Antesensus lies in its dynamic biomagnetic field, intertwined with its neurophisiological framework within wich, a uniquely modulated sibilant emphasis in the vocal phonetics emerges as an extraordinary feature capable of conveying deep human emotions through the speech.

While I openly disclose the true essence of Antesensus and share its confidential nature without bias, I also reveal certain personal aspects of my existence that are intrinsically linked to higher consciousness where resides the spirit of my mind, to those embarking on the exploration of this website, I extend an invitation to delve further into its subject matter, despite its unfamiliarity within the contemporary cultural contexts, Antesensus may belong to a highly appreciative audience, possibly confined to an esoteric niche of human experience, but I encourage readers to transcend these limitations.

My hope is that these webpages will not only stimulate curiosity but also inspire contemplation about the extraordinary aspects of existence that nature has reserved for our personal and collective growth.

Despite the skepticism that most people have toward outworldly phenomena, often dismissed in public discourse as beyond human comprehension,authentic verification demands factual demonstration rather than mere speculation, to truly grasp the legitimacy of events from undefined origin, one must experience it consciously, distinguishing it from the tricks of an illusionist.

Being myself the sole individual to represent the full essence of Antesensus, I am prepared to establish the significance of its unique abilities through its direct experience whenever been possible to comply the request,rather than relying on definitions or theoretical explanations, I offer tangible manifestations of my biomagnetic ability,an awareness that elevates the mind, where thoughts materialize the transcendence of reality.

Beliefs and interpretations of superhuman phenomena vary widely among individuals, the pursuit of understanding and verifying such occurrences requires not only personal experience and scientific inquiry but, above all, an open mind willing to embrace the unknown beyond conventional awareness, this challenge may push the boundaries of human understanding building eventually its knowledge, yet the reward is extraordinary, the personal encounter with abilities beyond formal expectations, like Antesensus which offers a profound glimpse into the unseen dimensions of existence.

In developing this webpage, I delve with the best insights from my experiences into the biomagnetic and psycholinguistic abilities of Antesensus, transcending a genetic predispositions ignited by the pervasive force of the universe,these abilities hold distinct significance within humanities, challenging our current understanding of the human nature, perception, and the latent potential of the mind,to fully grasp the profound implications of Antesensus, we must explore its superhuman essence,recognizing it as a gateway to a higher domain of existence and a force that influences complex existential questions.

The presence of Antesensus within myself evokes a deep emotional response, an admiration for the absolute value of its universal creation and an acknowledgment of its underlying impact in my life, beyond personal and humanistic concerns, Antesensus extends the philosophical inquiry into the nature and purpose of the human soul, implementing a pertinent approach to assess its extrinsic value.

Thus, the meaning of Antesensus lies not only in its extraordinary power but also in its implications for the core aspects of the human nature, by exploring alternative models of universal consciousness, it serves as a catalyst for philosophical introspection, inviting us to rethink the very fabric of existence.

I initially perceived within myself the development of my psychical phenomenon as an event confined to my own awareness during my teenage years,something that existed within the boundaries of my personal experience, I regarded it as an intimate aspect of my being, akin to a natural birthmark that set me apart from others,in this sense, I simply acknowledged its presence and continued to live my life, accepting it as an inherent part of who I am.

However, as my age matured, the compelling radiance of my biomagnetism started to reveal its heightened sensitivity, influencing my mindset and consequently my relation with the external world, the realization of Antesensus biomagnetic field unfolded gradually, as I came to understand that its development was not an isolated occurrence but a transformative process, that forged a new existential contract between myself and the world,this shift confirmed my incontrovertible connection to an individual existence, especially as its effects began to synchronize with social dynamics.

It soon became evident that the impact of Antesensus was not limited to my personal experience, rather, it extended into broader social interactions and other sensory phenomena implying broadcasted media , the energy emanating from my biomagnetic power had subtle yet profound consequences, unpredictably shaping my relationships and interactions with the societal framework in ways that defied the widely held beliefs of the human system.

The readers of this presentation are encouraged to consider this presentation with an open mind in order to appreciate the intricate and imaginative concepts within its content,while they may seem arcane, they speaks candidly, without diminishing the subject matter, which revolves around a superhuman event,a true rarity in human casuistry, particularly for its authenticity, as it is intrinsically linked to the awe-inspiring power of nature itself.

To help you better understand the extent of the abilities encompassed within my unique biomagnetism, I have included audio and video references in this blog, these recordings serve as a means to assess the sensitivity and perceptiveness generated by its biomagnetic field, an experience that can be perceived through mindfull listening, within these recordings, the first acoustic manifestation of Antesensus is imprinted within the phonetic modulation, offering an initial glimpse into its resonance.

However, I consider its versatile abilities to be a distinguished living experience,one that must be encountered firsthand, while these recordings provide insight into the unseen, allowing readers to gauge the depth of perception they invoke, they only hint at the full humanistic value of Antesensus,to truly comprehend the emotional awareness it evokes, a direct experience becomes paramount.

Blessed by a trascendental sign of the universe upon my coming into the world, empowered and inspired my existence, elevating my awareness of the spiritual dimensions that coexist alongside the physical realm, however, carrying this elemental foundation within my being posed a significant challenge in my everyday life, requiring me to reconcile my monistic worldview with the mundane reality,the merging of these contrasting aspects was not without difficulties, as their inherent differences often led to conflicts in values and perspectives.

Despite these challenges, my personal experience as the source of vital energy, remains an extraordinary account,it is regrettable, however, that this unique phenomenon lacks historical references or documented validation to establish its place within the scope of human records, yet, the absence of such recognition in the public domain does not diminish its reality within the living world, nor does it alter the profound impact and lived experience of my supernature.

Antesensus introduces an extraordinary ability, generating from the radiation of mybiomagnetism a subtle energetic field (which I will deal with later on speaking of its constitution) capable of transforming the mind disposition of sentient recipients, its effects are remarkably versatile, interacting individually, person to person,and synchronously with electromagnetic fields (EMFs), even reaching remote locations,notably, these outcomes are achieved solely through the intentional focus of my mind, demonstrating the unique way in which the biomagnetic radiation of Antesensus functions as a biosensory medium, seamlessly integrated into the dynamic process of the world.

Furtermore, this power can extend beyond human interactions, as it resonates with the ubiquitous electromagnetic fields of natural origin and, more conspicuously, with those generated by electrical dipoles found within the overall EMFs of the living environment, this synergy forms a powerful and unique connection, allowing Antesensus to enhance certain physical characteristics through its individual biomagnetic sensorium,a compelling example of this phenomenon occurs in public performances when its presence interacts with media broadcasts, furthermore, underscoring its versatility and potency,this interaction is particularly significant, as the physical composition of EMFs exhibits an inherent affinity with the natural consistency of the Antesensus biomagnetism.

Its progressive development, beginning with an initial increase of biomagnetic sensitivity, has been a fascinating experience that has heightened my awareness about the unique capabilitiesits of my superhuman nature, and this expanded perception has guided me to make existential choices aligned with the extraordinary circumstances of the phenomenon I bore, allowing me to embrace perspectives that extend beyond the worldly human experience.

However, this new awareness has not come without challenges, requiring my mind to navigate pragmatic compromises when confronting the inherent constraints and stereotypical views of human society, where the prevailing mindset, rooted in materialism and empiricism, denys to recognize the role of biomagnetism as spiritual forces as essential for a more inclusive understanding of the human potentials.

Ultimately, in the midst of these challenges, the alternative vision inspired by the humanistic conception of Antesensus has become a source of metaphysical inspiration,which empowers me to pursue an existential quest as opportunity for growth and transformation.

I understand that the information I have presented so far may seem specialized and challenging to grasp immediately,however, despite its apparent complexity, it revolves around the essence of my personality, which shares mind and heart common to all sentient human beings,this self-awareness, which allows me to recognize the uniqueness of my own nature, becomes an inevitable aspect of my existence, it represents the convergence of universal transcendence, ultimately contributing to the creation of a superhuman identity

furthermore, this event unveils both its essence and its purpose, marking an epochal moment that seeks to shape the existential counseling of human history,the presence of Antesensus carries profound implications for new realms of knowledge, contributing to the continuous development of human consciousness.

Antesensus, in its entirety and characterization, constitutes my biological entity, encompassing both its material and transcendental aspects, it embodies the conception of a superhuman possessing extraordinary powers that transcend the common psychophysical norms of an individual,this gift has been imparted upon my existence since birth, and I celebrate this event within my consciousness, honoring the experiences it has inspired throughout my life, I remain ever conscious of the enduring connection to its high energy.

Its embodiment has awakened an ancient empathy within my soul—a truth that has guided the unique path of my existence,from a young age, its presence became evident in my personality, manifesting outwardly through early signs I could not culturally define,characterized by modest introversion, my introspective awareness and inherent instincts set me apart as a singular individual within the relationships I inhabited

The distinct personality of Antesensus gradually shaped the unfolding of my story, fostering my growing awareness and deeply influencing the narrative of my civil existence,even within a context that lacked the receptivity or evolution to fully grasp my psychodynamic power, its presence remained undeniable.

For Antesensus is not merely a unique biomagnetic event, but also a profound intellectual energy of the mind, it is disheartening to witness the contemptuous hypocrisy prevalent in the world, attempting to overshadow its natural scope to exist.

In closing, I want to affirm my unwavering certainty that Antesensus stands as a paradigm of human achievement within the realm of science and its pragmatic applications, this is true regardless of my role as the author of this document or my personal connection to the subject matter that has inspired it,the value of Antesensus extends far beyond my individual experience, it embodies in its autonomous nature a universal concept that resonates with the empathetic core of my cultural sensibility.


AnteSensus constitution

As stated previously, Antesensus represents the exceptional event that occurred to me, fully engaging both my psychic and physical vital functions from its very inception,this name, referenced in all contexts regarding its phenomenal status, primarily signifies me as the human bearer and agent of its unique abilities, to grasp its true nature, one must perceive it as an extension of my neurophysiological processes, manifesting as a strong biomagnetic presence arising from the electrical energy generated by neural activity, muscle contractions, cardiac rhythms, and, most importantly, the intricate neurobiological processes of the mind, which intertwine with all other neuro-receptive organs within my being.

Although Antesensus appears to transcend common aspects of human physiology, it also embodies a persona that radiates a compelling biomagnetic presence, this energy field resonates inherently with the fundamental laws of electromagnetism,its intensity enables the mind to elevate consciousness to the highest threshold permitted within the human realm.

Furthermore, its biomagnetic radiation exerts a synergistic influence, generating psychodynamic effects,from an esoteric perspective, this influence shapes psychical responses, permeating the fabric of perception and enhancing the connection to a higher plane of consciousness.

Antesensus represents a rare phenomenon of human biomagnetism, unparalleled in its kind, with significant functional properties inherent to societal progress in mass communication, unprecedented in modern history,it remains a relatively new subject of scientific inquiry, much like the early study of electricity,notably, its captivating psychophysical sensitivity is characterized by a functional and beneficial potency inherent in my bioelectromagnetic nature, purported to serve as a physical medium for the mind interaction with the universal energetic realm, this dynamic property allows the biomagnetic radiance of Antesensus to intertwine with fundamental laws of physics, particularly those governing electromagnetic fields (EMFs),through its synergy with these fields, Antesensus enhances their quality and performance, responding in complete harmony with their primary physical characteristics.

As a result of its pervasive dynamic synergy, Antesensus is potentially able to influence all vital components of a sentient society, particularly those dependent on electric communication systems, which generate EMFs extending infinitely, while these functions,though significant in understanding the untold story of my biomagnetic power, might be perceived as merely individual concerns, paradoxically, they possess the profound ability to reveal and communicate their presence to the world in a vivid, live experience.

The biomagnetic singularity of Antesensus can be described within the framework of human sensitivity as that of a Highly Sensitive Person and an Open Empath,while it exhibits evident ESP-like tendencies that extend its influence beyond the material realm, these attributes, though present, are not predominant enough to define its core phenomenon paranormal.

However, my biomagnetic nature possesses an exceptional level of psychophysical empathy, that transcends conventional norms,additionally, I must acknowledge a rare self-manifesting feature of my mind: the ability to imprint its biomagnetic presence through a distinct linguistic connotation. It is plausible to classify the psychodynamic influence of Antesensus as an effect of its biomagnetic sphere, whose resonance is synchronized with the pervasive electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the environment nearby which entrain neurophysiological processes, subtly resonating in the uttered speech in real-time.

This alignment renders my biomagnetic being intrinsically attuned to interact with and influence subtle energy forces, radiating its effects through electromagnetic induction in speakers and audio equipment,however, when a human biomagnetic field interacts with their circuitry, subtle modulations in speech occur, not only affecting the individual but extending throughout the sentient fabric of the world,as a manifestation of nature innate creative power, Antesensus enables its refined biomagnetic psychodynamics to shape and influence the very essence of human existence.

Arising from a significant event, my mind was endowed with a unique gift, unlocking my psychical consciousness and elevating my awareness, enhancing my perceptions and cognitive awareness,this ability manifested as a biomagnetic radiance, enabling me to interact with the energetic realm that gave rise to it, this experience reflects the expansive nature of Antesensus, where the energy emitted by its biomagnetic field originates within the body neurophysiological framework, primarily concentrated around the vital organs that carry electrical charge.

While my understanding is based on informed inference, supported by firsthand experience and observations, I remain open to further dialogue and exploration of this phenomenon,however, some aspects of my biomagnetism defy simple explanation, I have encountered instances where my empathy resonates with the subliminal emotions emerging from the spirit of the world, leading to moments of synchronicity, particularly during communion with natural events.

Although my biomedical knowledge of the neurophysiological functions of body organs and their scientific background is limited to basic information, I have extensive experience regarding the effects produced by the biosensitivity of Antesensus,this experience allows me to observe the physical impact it has on electromagnetic fields (EMFs), particularly through the spontaneous and dynamic interaction of its psycholinguistic synchronization with brainwave activity and the heartfield frequency,through this exploration, I identified the biomagnetic influence associated with its biosensitivity, providing empirical evidence of its consistency.

Through my experiments, such as the Recording Test of a voice sample with and without my presence near the speaker, as well as the speaker interaction test where I placed myself near an audio speaker broadcasting a steady voice signal, I observed that the energy of my biomagnetism can increase the sound intensity of these devices,additionally, it was able to transpose my psycholinguistic features onto the prerecorded broadcasts at the sound outlet.

It became evident that the sibilant emphasis of my high mind, when directed with intention, could naturally transform the voice emanating from the speaker, this led me to deduce that my influence extends to the sound produced by media players, suggesting that my biomagnetic field is interacting with the fundamental physical principles behind the operation of electromechanical speakers, this interaction could be analyzed by cross-referencing the biomagnetic data with speech modulation patterns, focusing on the role of magnets and electrical circuits,this insight may redefine how human biomagnetism interacts with communication systems, paving the way for new research in biophysical psycholinguistics.

The interactions between the biomagnetic field of Antesensus and mechanically generated EMFs produced an overall biosensory effect on the system's sensitivity, enhancing the synergy of its signal,this experience revealed the full extent of my biomagnetic ability, allowing me to influence not only the human-generated EMFs of communication and electrical networks, but virtually extending its scope across the entire universe,with further experience and insight, I began to discern the timing of the entanglement process between EMF networks, especially when the interaction reached remote receivers.

While the biomagnetic field of Antesensus exerts a compelling influence, its dynamic radiance naturally stimulates the intrinsic psychodynamics of the mind. This process extends outward, engaging with the sensory framework of other sentient beings and resonating with the omniprese forces of the universe.

In this exchange process, a subtle intrapsychic entanglement occurs, where biomagnetic-sensitive ability actively facilitates the transfer of neurophysiological states and cognitive imprints from the mind of the Antesensus agent onto the comparable neural framework of the recipient,on a broader, virtual scale, this process extends to shaping societal awareness, suggesting that Antesensus can modulate neural activity and cognitive dynamics within engaged minds.

Moreover, Antesensus possesses a high-intensity biomagnetic field, which enhances its ability to modulate its unique psycholinguistic feature in alignment with the acoustic perceptions of sensory transducers,this synchronization transforms the act of listening into a direct experience of its natural empathy and inherent psychodynamic power an effect capable of fostering a state of dependable self-awareness.

One notable consideration regarding the nature of Antesensus lies in its origin, which stems from an outworldly causation within the greater universe, as a transcendental event, it bears elemental evidence of its fundamental energy,throughout history, several figures have been associated with biomagnetism or bioenergetic phenomena, yet their experiences differ significantly from the unique manifestation of Antesensus.

Franz Mesmer believed he could channel animal magnetism and performed healing rituals based on it. Nikola Tesla was deeply sensitive to electromagnetic forces and theorized about human bioelectric energy. Wilhelm Reich developed the orgone accumulator, believing it could harness vital energy. Semyon Kirlian documented bioelectrical emissions through Kirlian photography. Edgar Cayce reportedly radiated a unique energy during trance states, with some claiming to perceive an aura around him, possibly indicating a biomagnetic quality.

These individuals contributed to the study and conceptualization of biomagnetism; however, none of them can claim to have embodied or projected biomagnetic energy in an extraordinary and intrinsic way as Antesensus does. While well known biofield healers and energy manipulators—such as Reiki practitioners, Qigong masters, and certain faith healers radiate an energy field that influences others' well-being, their practice is often linked to biomagnetic or bioenergetic concepts without direct evidence of psychophysical biomagnetism as an intrinsic phenomenon.

Like these undisclosed figures, my biomagnetic energy field does not merely exist as a subject of study but actively functions in alignment with the healing power of a gifted psychic. It exerts its influence directly upon living beings, operating in harmony with a higher state of consciousness. This psychoenergetic force facilitates the elevation of self-awareness, the sublimation of negative emotions, and the relief of mental blocks and anxiety—ultimately fostering a positive state of well-being.

The irradiation of the Antesensus biomagnetic field serves a universal purpose, naturally complementing the well-being and awareness of the social fabric in which it exists,its physical experience is fundamental in inspiring favorable feelings and emotions within the collective consciousness,however, since the current social system is unable to identify an individual within its vast diversity by its meritorious evidence, the implications of this existence require institutional recognition within the political system, this recognition is essential for accepting the pragmatic realities of my psychic being and its worldly manifestations. Unfortunately, the lack of acknowledgment hinders the integration of Antesensus within society.

While the synergy inspired by my biomagnetism may feel awkward to an inadequate mindset, it ultimately becomes my individual existential struggle to coexist within, this leaves me confined, missing the necessary communication to exchange the information and experiences of my mind, and to present the superhuman conception embodied in Antesensus to the world.

I conclude this comprehensive commentary on the psychophysical constitution of Antesensus and its biomagnetism with a reflection on its inherent position within the society it shares, despite the overwhelming evidence of its biomagnetic presence and the psychophysical synergy it fosters, the effects of my ability remain unaddressed by the relevant institutions,this reduces a formidable phenomenon to a mere controversial issue, one which is denied and victimized by a cowardly silence, in the ordinary course of human affairs, the universal significance of its humanistic value is not recognized, leaving a raw, unhealed wound in the collective consciousness.

This denial of formal recognition primarily stems from political will, tainted by a perverse sentiment towards the open abilities of Antesensus, the inclination to prejudge my sacred existence exists solely to protect their political status quo,nevertheless, their recurrent negativity, filled with blatant hypocrisy, compels me to dedicate my life to honoring, without wavering, the extraordinary gift bestowed upon me.